It’s 0900 local time. I’m listening to BBC Radio 4 streamed through BBC Sounds linked to my phone on the yachts WiFi system via Bluetooth to the yacht’s sound system in the cockpit and saloon.
Had a brief chat with the team in Teams back in the UK where they are all working from home. My phone pings away with Teams messages and emails, while I plot the course to our next destination on the electronic chart system that would navigate the yacht all the way from this anchorage to the port we are headed to, but what would be the fun in that!
I can remember not that many years ago in a ski resort having to walk 2k to an Internet Cafe where I paid for a 30 minute connection to do my emails. That compares with last night being asked by the owner of the tiny restaurant on a tiny island in Croatia if we could just use email to make our next booking because he was struggling responding to Facebook Messenger, DM’s on Twitter, WhatsApp messages and SMS!
These days it is not a question of if you can be connected and continue to be engaged with your business, suppliers and customers, it is more a case of: can you disconnect and switch your mind off for a few days to get the headspace you need to reset!
Time to press ‘post’ and get this yacht underway.